Coffee grounds,
a sustainable resource for the world

0 K
tons of coffee grounds
per year available in France
0 %
are used in the cosmetic, agri-food industry, fertilizer, and biofuels
+ 0 %
of the global deposit is today valuable and renewable in the world

Our solutions

We extract molecules with high added value, with a multifunctional purpose, with a view to formulating active ingredients intended for the cosmetics, nutraceutical, agri-food and pharmaceutical sectors.

We assign real value to coffee grounds by transforming them into a sustainable resource, through the production of biocomposites aimed at creating innovative and disruptive bio-based materials, in order to provide an effective alternative to plastic.

A sustainable resource

By fully capitalizing on the properties of coffee grounds, we are resolutely committed to a responsible and environmental approach by deploying innovative and sustainable solutions.

Who are we

We aspire to become the European leader in the cascade valorization of co-products from the coffee sector. By extending the life cycle of coffee grounds, we exploit all of their resources to offer them a multitude of ways to recover them.

Our partners

Our labels



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Industries targeted for the extraction of molecules with high added value:

  • Cosmetic
  • Agri-food
  • Nutraceutical
  • Pharmacy


Industries targeted for the transformation of pomace into biosourced materials:

  • Packaging
  • Interior and exterior layout
  • Equipment
  • Medical